All Bettas love live food.
However, feeding your Betta pet freeze dried food is much more convenient and cost-effective.
Pet stores sell specialty foods and supplements for Bettas. Try mixing your pet Bettas foods and supplement them with alternatives.
Don't just feed them the same food over and over again. They will require alternatives to supplement and make-up their daily staple food. You should always try and supplement their mealtime with freeze-dried mosquito larvae (e.g. known as "bloodworms") or natural brine shrimp.
Betta Fish Live Food
"Mosquito larvae" is considered the Bettas natural and very digestable food. Also, "red mosquito larvae" known as "bloodworms."
Bettas just love to feed on live "brown worms" and Bettas go wild on bloodworms. However, these live foods are really notorious for carrying disease and bacteria. This also applys to many other types of live foods.
If you wish to feed your Betta pet live worms, be certain to wash the worms in clean water and thoroughly. You should never give your Betta pet worms taken from your garden or worms you have caught in the wild because you are taking a big risk as these worms almost always carry harmful pesticides.
Side point: Inexpensive Brine shrimp is also a favorite food of Bettas. You can feed Brine shrimp to your Betta as an occasional treat but keep in mind **ONLY** feed it in moderation.
You can feed your Betta pet freeze dried brine shrimp or you you so desire you can hatch them yourself from accumulated eggs.
Betta Fish Frozen food
For Bettas frozen food is a safer bet than say live food, as there's less likelihood of catching disease and even fin rot. But its still not as easy and friendly to use as freeze-dried.
More Food Tips
Most Bettas can go a day or two without eating anything at all. So, you shouldn't worry about leaving your Betta pet for the weekend. But if you intend to be away for a much longer period, then be sure to have a friend or relative stop by and feed your Betta pet.
A good alternative is to purchase a time-release fish food block (and/or an automatic fish feeder) from your local pet store. If you decide to go this route then make sure that the Betta'se water is clean and ok.
If you are intending to be away for several days and wish to use a slow release food block it's probably a good idea to replace all of the water with fresh water.
If your tank is much smaller than say 5 gallons you should consider cleaning it before you plan your weekend away. As we've mentioned before it's also a good idea to clean your tank or bowl at least once every week.
Side point: It's good practice to allow your Betta to fast by skipping a day of feeding say once every week.
Because it will allow your Betta fish's digestive tract sufficient time to recover and clean itself out on the inside.
NOTE: Bettas tend to stop feeding on dried or frozen food once their satisfied and full. However, they'll continue to gorge themselves as long as there's live food in their aquarium. So, *DON'T* overfeed your Bettas with live food or they will quite literally eat themselves untill they actually die.
If you notice that your Betta fish has developed a paunchy look and/or a swollen belly, this is an indicator that you're overfeeding your pet Betta. But if your pet Betta appears somewhat gaunt or thin in appearance it may have a serious infection or even require more wholesome food supplements.
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