SCIENTIFIC NAME: Posthodiplostomum sp.
COMMON NAME(S): Black spot disease
SYMPTOMS: Small black spots present on body.
ORGANISM: Digenetic fluke
RECOMMENDED TREATMENT: Will usually go away on its own, as the complex life cycle of the fluke can not be completed in an aquarium. Otherwise, a five minute freshwater bath followed by formalin @ 75 ppm for one hour. Formalin is dangerous to use, so treat ONLY is a hospital tank, and wear gloves and goggles when handling.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chilodonella sp.
SYMPTOMS: Fish has a grey-white film of excess mucus covering its body. Gills may be swollen.
ORGANISM: Ciliated protozoan
RECOMMENDED TREATMENT: Treat with .15 ppm malachite green and .50 ppm formalin. Dosage is given three times, two days apart. 2 ppm methylene blue should be added to the treatment if respiratory distress is evident. THIS IS A VERY CONTAGIOUS DISEASE, SO BE CAREFUL NOT TO SPREAD IT BY USING CONTAMINATED NETS AND HANDS IN OTHER AQUARIA.
Keep temp. at 75 dF.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Posthodiplostomum sp.
COMMON NAME(S): Black spot disease
SYMPTOMS: Small black spots present on body.
ORGANISM: Digenetic fluke
RECOMMENDED TREATMENT: Will usually go away on its own, as the complex life cycle of the fluke can not be completed in an aquarium. Otherwise, a five minute freshwater bath followed by formalin @ 75 ppm for one hour. Formalin is dangerous to use, so treat ONLY is a hospital tank, and wear gloves and goggles when handling.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chilodonella sp.
SYMPTOMS: Fish has a grey-white film of excess mucus covering its body. Gills may be swollen.
ORGANISM: Ciliated protozoan
RECOMMENDED TREATMENT: Treat with .15 ppm malachite green and .50 ppm formalin. Dosage is given three times, two days apart. 2 ppm methylene blue should be added to the treatment if respiratory distress is evident. THIS IS A VERY CONTAGIOUS DISEASE, SO BE CAREFUL NOT TO SPREAD IT BY USING CONTAMINATED NETS AND HANDS IN OTHER AQUARIA.
Keep temp. at 75 dF.
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